The Nomad: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: This is a love story and an adventure, a modern take on The Odyssey, set in a mythological past where all of the world's pantheons coexist. It is my first full-length novel, that I wrote in high school, circa 1993.  The Nomad represents a much younger and less experienced Nick Alimonos, but also, a time when I was more passionate, confident, and brash. If you can... Continue Reading →

The Nomad: Chapter 3

This is a love story and an adventure, a modern take on The Odyssey, set in a mythological past where all of the world's pantheons coexist. It is my first full-length novel, that I wrote in high school, circa 1993.

The Ride of Amalthea

I haven't been posting much lately, as I've been taking a mental hiatus, a detour into the world of Aenya. Who needs DMT when you've got the writer's disease? More to the point, I am finishing up on the last two chapters of The Princess of Aenya.  During my sabbatical, I am reminded of something I have long known and advocated: social media... Continue Reading →

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