People of Aenya: Horde

Ten thousand years before the reign of Radia Noora of Tyrnael, or 5 BGM (Before the Greater Moon), the sun of Aenya began its expanse into a red giant, having swallowed the Xexaz world of Reptos within its corona ages before. Recognizing the danger to their planet, the Zo scrambled for a plan of salvation, but were mired... Continue Reading →

DMT and D&D

I've been sitting on this post for years. Part of me really didn't want to write it. And as a non-drug user, I felt unqualified. But the story has been nagging at me, ever since a friend told me about his DMT experience. Now, I don't do drugs. Never have. I grew up in the 80's, with the "Just Say... Continue Reading →

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