Trump is a fictional character

"The Editor-in-Chief will see you now, Mr. Hovah." Jay straightened in his chair and got to his feet. He could feel the surge of excitement, tingling his extremities, energizing his limbs. Finally! The receptionist with the short brown hair and spectacles ushered him through the hall to the editor's office. In gold leaf lettering, a glass... Continue Reading →

Aenya News Update 03/22/2017

A lot of exciting things are happening around here. First and foremost, the cover for Ages of Aenya is now complete. Secondly, my wonderful and brilliant editor, Ava Coibion, is nearly finished with the novel. We've lost ourselves in conversation regarding the book's themes and philosophies, but more importantly, she has become engaged by its characters. There are definitely moments where... Continue Reading →

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