Aenya Newsletter 11/11/20

Greetings, Aenya fans!!! I am back with another super-exciting update . . . OK, let's be honest, I am not getting a ton of followers here, and it's not hard to see why. I can't compete with the billion-dollar algorithms put out by Facebook, Instagram, TickTok, etc., or whatever new thing will be turning kids... Continue Reading →

The Fantasy Writer’s Dictionary

Words are magic! They are the spell components authors use to build their worlds. Do you know these 81 words? Any good writer should! I made this handy dictionary of arcane nouns and verbs, with a few adjectives thrown in, to help give my writing that extra polish. If you’re an English geek like I am, feel free to steal it!

The Art of Storytelling

Words can be highly volatile, explosive even, and yet we rarely stop to consider their power. Use them incorrectly, and you can get yourself killed, in a bar, for instance; or in the face of a religious fanatic. Words also have the capacity to heal. Consider the consoling effect of a eulogy, the world shaping sermon of Jesus or the philosophy of Socrates. Mathematicians like to argue that their discipline trumps all other sciences. Psychology is rooted in biology, biology in physics, and physics in math. But without language to give meaning to all those numbers, math might as well be scratchings on a cat post.

In the hand of a brilliant writer, a pen becomes a wand, the words incantations, and the sentences spells. How else do you explain the transportive power of fiction? Its potential to bring tears to the eyes? But for a language apprentice, words can also backfire. This is particularly true of words that are not part of everyday parlance. If you’re always digging through your…

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