Who is Kalima?

Who is Kalima and how does she relate to the Aenya Series? Well, she started out as my wife's D&D character, a grumpy but endearing female dwarf, and is now being featured in my daughter's YouTube animated series, 2D&D. We've been playing 5th edition for five years now, in a campaign that started out in... Continue Reading →

The Witcher: Baptism of Fire

I felt pressured to reading the Witcher after the series was turned into a Netflix original starring Henry Cavill, and a trilogy of video games for PC, PS4 and Xbox. Even my nephew, who abhors reading anything more than a JRPG dialogue box, told me he had read the first book, so I figured I... Continue Reading →

How to be a Dungeon Master

It's probably no secret by now that I love Dungeons & Dragons. I've been playing for about thirty years, since 1985~86, and it's been like kerosene for the flame of my imagination. Before D&D exploded in popularity, I was embarrassed to tell people I played, as if no serious author could harbor so much love... Continue Reading →

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