The Name of the Wind: Not Quite a Story

The Name of the Wind is the story of Kvothe, a brooding emo-rogue type hero and run-of-the-mill Gary Stu who suffers through all the usual cliches: mysteriously killed parents, living in poverty, attending a magic school with comically cruel teachers, etc. While Rothfuss’s writing flows smoothly, painting a vivid albeit generic landscape, the book lacks... Continue Reading →

Magiq of Aenya Production Diary #1

Greetings, Aenya fans! I have decided to do something different for my upcoming project. I am releasing a production diary, starting with this one, because I am eager to share all the exciting news regarding The Magiq of Aenya. So what is 'The Magiq of Aenya'? It's the fourth book in the ongoing Aenya series... Continue Reading →

Style Vs. Substance: McCarthy Vs. King

In this exciting matchup, I pit legendary authors against one another to see who comes out on top! Yessiree, folks, step right up for the fight of the century. In one corner, we've got legendary suspense author of over sixty-five books and counting, Stephen King, and his novella, The Body. And in the opposite corner,... Continue Reading →

My Soapbox Rant: College is a Scam!

If you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, or anything outside the humanities field, chances are you'll benefit from a college degree. But woe to you whose heart is set on becoming an author, a musician, a visual artist, or any pursuit whose area of study depends on an arbitrary grading system... Continue Reading →

David Sedaris Grossly Misses the Point

David Sedaris would like you to know that nudists are ugly and weird and should probably know better. At least, that’s the impression he gives, if his book, Naked, is any indication. It’s crass, low-brow comedy—and a sneaky way for him to make fun of fat people just for being fat because, hey, they’re naked,... Continue Reading →

Asimov’s Foundation Fails as Fiction

While I love the idea-driven, philosophically oriented science fiction authors of the 50s and '60s, the likes of which include Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clark, Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein, Frank Herbert, and Isaac Asimov---I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed by the first in Asimov's Foundation series. I truly, truly wanted to love... Continue Reading →

The Best Aenya Book You Haven’t Read!

It's sad that social media always appeals to our basest instincts. It's why YouTubers make millions---YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!---and why Amazon authors find success writing ENF (Embarrassed Naked Female), harem, and dinosaur erotica. Unfortunately, my readers have fallen into the same trap with my latest book, The Feral Girl, but in reverse. They buy... Continue Reading →

Why AI Books Will Never Be Worth Reading

No matter how advanced artificial intelligence becomes---even after a thousand years of quantum computing---novels written by AI will never be worth anyone's time because fiction isn't a math problem to be solved. Storytelling is the greatest form of human expression. It's how we share our lived experiences, our fears, our pain, our aspirations. But a... Continue Reading →

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