Why AI Books Will Never Be Worth Reading

No matter how advanced artificial intelligence becomes—even after a thousand years of quantum computing—novels written by AI will never be worth anyone’s time because fiction isn’t a math problem to be solved. Storytelling is the greatest form of human expression. It’s how we share our lived experiences, our fears, our pain, our aspirations. But a computer that is not sentient cannot know what it means to be alive. It can never know the loss of a loved one, nor understand holding a newborn child, nor comprehend any of the myriad feelings unique to the human experience. AI can do nothing but imitate, and in simply knowing this, knowing that what we are reading is a mere facade of human expression, the writing becomes meaningless. It is to value a photograph of the Mona Lisa like the actual painting.

Unfortunately, too many of today’s popular books resemble AI writing because publishers continue to push for trends and copy what sells.

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