Olympia Publishers and the Art of the Soft Scam (Updated 2018)

Nobody has time for yours.

This post was going to be something else entirely, a celebration. My wife and I received a positive response from a publisher, and the other night, we made a special toast at P.F. Chang’s, “To passing the second gate!” See, there are three main obstacles to getting your book in stores. First, your query letter has to catch the eye of an agent or publisher. This is the first gate. If they are interested, they will ask you for a synopsis and three sample chapters, and if the powers-that-be are impressed, they’ll request the complete manuscript, and this is what had us thrilled. “It looks legit!” my wife said, after looking over the company website and checking out their book covers, many of which are quite professional looking. That company is Olympia Publishers, based in the U.K.

At one point, I thought, “Hey, all the best writers are from the U.K.!” Which, for me at least, is true. I went through my shelf, picking out my favorites, originally published in the U.K., like Harry Potter and Cloud Atlas and Never Let Me Go. Yessir, I thought, the British know good literature when they see it! 

A cursory examination into their company revealed a small press, which rang a few alarm bells, but I rationalized, “Hey, they’re taking a chance on an unknown, so why not give them a chance? Maybe I can help put them on the map!” After all, smaller companies are more willing to take risks, whereas the mega-publishers, like Tor and Bantam, are often too homogenized, afraid to try new and different things. Ages of Aenya isn’t your typical rogue/elf/dragon story, and I needed a company with the balls to sell it. Then, when I sat down with my wife to print a hardcopy to send to them, I decided to do a little more research.      

The thing about scams these days is that they don’t look like what you see on TV. Nobody is going to sell you a box of rocks and run off laughing with your money. Just like consumers, scammers have wizened up. They know how easy it is to Google them before you give out your credit card, and so now we have the soft scam, and the best (or worst) part is, it’s not illegal, because what you hope to be getting is never explicitly stated, only implied. I experienced this in 2000, after exhaustively researching self-publishing, and a company called Xlibris. Now, it’s not as if Xlibris gave me nothing in return for my money. In fact, the print quality of their books is superb, and in many cases superior to those sold in stores. But the headliner on their website reads, “Write your success story!” They imply fame and fortune, but what they don’t tell you is that none of their authors have ever managed it. Could it happen? I don’t doubt it, but the chances are so unlikely, it might as well be a scam. 

Olympia Publishers isn’t doing anything illegal, but I put them into a category below Xlibris. At least self-publishing houses have the good graces to admit what they are offering. Small presses like Olympia pretend to allow for success, to do what publishers are supposed to do: promote your writing and profit from readers, but they work in reverse. They ask you to send in a query and a synopsis, and after a few tense weeks, ask for the manuscript. If it passes the scrutiny of their editors, you become a published author! If not, there is a second option, a pay to play option. After a little Googling, I found dozens of heartbroken writers tricked by this scheme, who were told they would be published, only to be asked to cover costs of up to 3500 pounds (nearly $5000)! 

With the advent of free Internet media, free e-books, and the sheer glut of crap novels making the rounds these days, it must be difficult for any publisher to survive. I wouldn’t doubt whether many small presses started out in earnest, only to realize they couldn’t cut it the traditional way. Inundated with desperate would-be authors and totally indifferent readers, it was only a matter of time before someone got smart and reversed the flow, profiting off of writers instead. After all, making money is all about supply meeting demand, and the demand writers have for recognition is palpable!  

Still, it sickens me to know that people profit off desperation, earn money from the remnants of crushed hopes and dreams. My wife was so visibly shaken by the experience, I ended up feeling worse for her than for myself. 

But, what if we hadn’t found any bad press about Olympia? What if we had been the first to be duped? Well, there’s an easy trick to finding out who’s legit, and who isn’t. Just visit Amazon, under the Book department, and search by Publisher. Olympia has many books listed, so at least they’re not a total scam, but not one of their titles ranks above one millionth in sales! If you want to be ranked a millionth, by all means proceed, but that isn’t any publisher I want representing my fifteen years of passion! Heck, one book was ranked in the 5 millionths, worse than my own The Dark Age of Enya, which is listed in the 4 millionths! It is an unusual situation when a POD book is outselling a “legitimately” published book.    

There is more heartache and disappointment in this field than in any other. Not only do you spend thousands upon thousands of hours working at something without getting paid for it, but the people in your life don’t even consider it a job. Add to that the total lack of moral support from friends and family, and mix in, as a special bonus, all of the scammers trying to take advantage of you, and well . . . that’s the industry. The only reason I haven’t quit, can’t quit, is because it’s a part of me, my writers’ disease. And, god dammit, Ages of Aenya is a good book. 


2018 UPDATE!

It looks like this article finally made an impact on Olympia Publishers! After helping steer hundreds of people from getting scammed (or soft-scammed), Olympia sent me a number of e-mails trying to win me over, and asking me to remove this post … If you would like to read our exchange in its entirety, head on over to Exposing the Scammers 2: URLinkPublishing.com, where I also expose yet another disreputable company.


and while you’re at it …



A great alternative to Olympia is CreateSpace. They make no promises regarding fame and fortune, but provide aspiring authors the basic tools to achieve success. They helped me design the layout of my book, using artwork I provided them. All that you pay is for printing and delivery. And if you’re an aspiring writer hoping to break into the business, I can’t tell you how important it is to support other writers. The more independent creators earn respect, the more opportunities open up for everyone. So if you have not done so already, please visit the first in the Aenya series, Ages of Aenya at www.nickalimonos.com.



55 thoughts on “Olympia Publishers and the Art of the Soft Scam (Updated 2018)

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  1. While I feel bad that your KS failed, it wasn't difficult to foresee the failure.

    I'm sorry man, your pitch was… awful. Especially the removing-the-shirt bit. It was damn near painful to watch. You're unattractive, you looked awkward, and you just droned and droned and droned on. You could have been pitching the last Game of Thrones book, and the KS would still fail. The failure has nothing to do with the book and everything with the video, sadly.

    I'm sorry to say this to you, but it's the truth. I'm an ugly bastard myself and I know I don't have the face for public speaking or sales pitches. The good news is that there are video artists online that would cut a video with a script for you for a fairly decent price… maybe give that a try next time if you try again? A semi-professional video with perhaps a montage of Aenya illustrations just might do the job.


  2. Wow, well you're kind of a passive aggressive asshole, huh? I think I'd greatly prefer a direct insult than this pretending to be a nice-guy routine. But what annoys me more is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so let me make it clear, so you can understand:

    1) YOU DON'T READ BOOKS BASED ON HOW GOOD LOOKING THE AUTHOR IS! I am not auditioning to be an actor or a singer, and when people read books, they typically aren't staring at the author's face the whole time. Both George R.R. Martin and Stephen King are pretty ugly looking dudes, but I'd never consider NOT reading them because of it. You'd have to be pretty god-damn shallow to think that way, and I don't write for shallow people.

    2) THIS ISN'T A GAY PORN SITE. Hey, if you want to ogle guys with their shirts off, there are a lot of gay websites you can visit. Sorry, I didn't remove my shirt to tickle your fancy, but to show solidarity with the nudist movement. I typically don't even wear clothes at home, so just be glad I didn't canter waist down in front of the camera.

    3) NUDISM IS NOT ABOUT JUDGING PEOPLE. That kind of prejudice is a recurring theme in my book! I was born with a cleft-palette, which disfigured my nose and teeth and lips. Growing up, I was constantly teased and bullied because of it. When I turned 17, I underwent surgery to have much of it corrected. Blood poured from my nose like a faucet for two weeks, my eyes swelled shut, and I had to take a lot of pain meds. It took a whole year for the swelling to go down. My self-esteem issues will hound me for a lifetime. The last thing I wanted to do was get my ugly mug on camera, but you know what, I didn't do it for shallow fucks like yourself.

    4) BUT THE VIDEO WORKED! After posting that video on YouTube, I got the biggest boost in supporters, most especially from Lady God1va. If you don't know her, she is a bit of a celebrity among nudist circles, organizing the World Naked Bike Ride in London every year. She pledged $100 to the book and advertised it to her 15,000 Twitter followers.

    5) THE FIRST THING I DID WAS MAKE A BOOK TRAILER!: I need to come up with a special 'word' for someone who visits a blog, looks at a single post, and without any knowledge on the subject, proceeds to offer his ill-informed opinion. Because if you had bothered to look at the Kickstarter page, or my 'Ages of Aenya' page, or really just about anything, you would have seen the BOOK TRAILER VIDEO I produced years ago, with dozens of illustrations made over the course of ten years. But guess what? THAT video didn't help nearly as much as my 'ugly mug' video, and do you know why . . .

    6) IT WASN'T A PROMOTIONAL VIDEO! I made that video to INFORM my backers that I was upping the rewards. Yes, I tend to drone on and on (I am a writer) but if you would have bothered to watch the damn thing, you would have seen what I was offering. I needed TO SHOW THESE REWARDS on camera, to help give people an idea of dimensions and quality. And you know what? It helped. A lot!

    7) I DON'T NEED FANS LIKE YOU: Do me a favor and don't ever visit this blog again (I won't even respond to this thread, so don't bother). If you see my book for sale someplace, please, don't buy it. My fans are usually insightful, intelligent and considerate of others. If I had fans like you, it would seriously tarnish my reputation!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. read your message about the publisher now because they have sent me a message to send my complete manucript and then alarm bells went off. I already published my book in the Netherlands in 2016 and I want to expand my horizon. Tips!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for posting this. I have made the decision to give this particular publishing house a big miss.

    As for the hater….wow. There’s a clear case of a “should of been swallowed” LOL.

    All the best – and don’t give up. As a Writer losing my mind, I won’t be. I’d rather continue to fight for my dreams than walk away. Much love from Australia xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Emily. I really appreciate it. As for the hater, I probably overreacted a bit there. I know it would have been better to ignore him, but I had just come off the double whammy of my failing Kickstarter and getting scammed by this publishing house, and I really just let my frustrations loose on this guy.

      Hope my final paragraph wasn’t too disheartening. The last thing I want to do is discourage another writer. But if you have the writer’s disease, like I do, nothing anyone says will dissuade you. You’ll realize you have no choice but to write, because it’s within you—a universe swelling in your head—and that you need to write it down to keep your sanity.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hello. First of all, this isn’t a spam comment. We are a new publishing house who are accepting submissions. We have four imprints of which Stone Cold Fox Press is actively looking for fantasy novels. I can’t promise we will publish your book but I can promise we don’t take any money from the author and will treat you and your MS with respect and consideration. Have a look at our website and if you like what you see then you could send 3 chapters and a synopsis through our Submittable portal. Tabby Stirling

    PS I only saw this thread because a friend of mine was approached by Olympia and was deeply hurt when he realised it was a ‘soft’ scam. Very useful post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m pretty savvy when it comes scammers and I have waited patiently before approaching any agent or ‘publisher ‘. For what it’s worth I would like to congratulate you for coming across so convincingly, so honestly. I’m submitting three chapters of Mid Flight Crisis. I also have another two manuscripts ready. I have the skin of a rhino and I’m guessing you will be honest. That’s all I need.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I also found this post because I was looking up small presses and found Olympia. Since I write about Greek gods, I really wanted them to be “for real,” but luckily I saw this post. Sigh. If I wasn’t horrible at book covers I’d just self-publish. Maybe I’ll end up doing it anyway, but I think I’ll research a few more small presses first. Hope you find a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m between a rock and a hard place. I published my book Outback Blues pilot book 1 with Xlibris and they just want money after money, and although my books are in online stores world wide Xlibris have made no sale but forever want my money. As to Olympus they have just looked over my second book Lost in the Outback and have offered a contribution based offer for the book and I’m in the process of looking over there contract. So is it a scam, am I again looking at throwing good money after bad? In the letter I received its states this is a one time finite figure (unsure if they mean I pay or their contributing)goes on to say any further cost of marking over the lifetime of the book will be covered by Olympia. Again I’m not sure should I at least look there offer over.


    1. Quite honestly, I would choose Xlibris over Olympia. At least Xlibris is being forthright with what they are offering. It isn’t up to them to sell your book, that is YOUR job. If you sell zero copies, that is a failure on your part. Either way, both companies have proven to be “scammy” when it comes to the implied success of their authors. I suggest doing what I did, look up some of their titles and see their sales rank numbers on Amazon. In most cases, authors are ranked in the millionths, which is really bad. Currently, I am using CreateSpace, because with them I can at least choose my own prices. But they are not offering any way to promote the book. Whatever you choose, keep in mind that you need to get into the shameful promotion/selling business.


    2. I have received a similar offer from Olympia and would like to know what your decision was. I believe your post was in 2017,

      Traditional publishers have been reading my self help parody material, incidentally, which is a good thing. no offers yet but I am getting read. One NY publisher emailed me on material they’re looking for, and asked if i could mimic specific genres which would be more suitable for their banner.

      Anyway, did you decide to go with Olympia and, if you did, how was your experience?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks, Nick. I received an email form Olympia just yesterday. After reading this and other reviews online, In think it will be unwise to proceed with them, They have asked me to send the full manuscript already.


  8. Thank-you for this blog. I’ve just received an email from Olympia about my manuscript, and will certainly not go to them. Sorry you’ve been hit by a troll. Love your book blurb and your video. Your advice is spot on. Lyn


  9. OMG, Just received a message from Olympia and my intuition said something is not right here. Or maybe experience of dealing with publishers before. Whatever it was, I’ve googled and found this. Thanks so much for your review!


  10. Dear Nick

    I’d like to share my story of woe with Olympia Publishers and pose a question that hopefully either Olympia’s PR Manager Chantelle Wadsworth – or the company’s purportedly new CEO Ben Bredar – will notice and enlighten me. Perhaps you could tell me if our situation is unique.
    I can understand how one is taken by the ‘soft scam’ of paying to be published followed by the disappointment of measly book sales – either because it was not distributed widely enough or not marketed well.

    Our situation is very different.

    With my experience as a magazine editor, I have been helping a friend put his first book together and get it published. Olympia Publishers accepted our proposal – the book is not a novel, but a ‘coffee table book filled with anecdotes, photographs and recipes’ – but 18 months down the line, we are still yet to have a book that is anywhere close to print.

    We’re now wondering if we’ve been strung a line for so long and the company has never intended to actually print it?

    The whole saga began on 7 June 2016, when our publishing proposal was accepted by Olympia. The contract was signed – and yes! – £3,300 handed over.

    According to the contract, Olympia was responsible to ensure the book is published within 295 days of initial signing. This obviously was not kept to, but we were patient and hopeful for a book.

    In the past two and a half years, we have been passed through three production co-ordinators and received dozens of ‘final’ proofs, but to-date – we received the last proofs on Thursday, 1 November – the book is still littered with problems and all instructions completely ignored.

    My friend’s book, admittedly, is not just basic text on a page with attention to detail paid to the cover. However, despite –

    • Dozens – and I mean dozens, almost daily – of emails with detailed instructions;
    • A delivery of a USB with photographs allocated to page number at Olympia’s 60 Cannon Street site – a mere reception desk taking deliveries for them;
    • Giving them a layout template undertaken by a professional;
    • As well as a detailed pagination;
    • Even a trip to their office in Cambridge (actually in Ely, 14 miles outside Cambridge) in February this year to meet with Jane Webster (our latest production co-ordinator) and Shachi (graphic designer). I have to admit the visit really did get my spirits up as their enthusiasm for the project matched mine. However, although I could never put a finger on it, I did get the impression the office was little like a movie set;
    • Providing them with detailed marketing material;
    • And, to top it all, having ‘pre-sold’ several thousand copies of the book to the author’s contacts in the US and elsewhere

    – Still we wait for a book to be printed.

    FYI: During our ‘tenure’ with Olympia, the company has purportedly changed hands, from Mark Marlowe, who signed the contract with the author, to Bredar. All attempts to get hold of him have failed.
    An attempt to forward matters on 6 September 2018, Commissioning Editor James Houghton’s response was: “Jane Webster is who you need to contact, please write anything formally to her to move any action forward … Just to be clear; Jane Webster is the senior authority in this matter.”

    So we sit. Infuriated and devastated, knowing we have missed yet another Christmas sales season!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Had a similar experience.
    I’m pitching a children’s book, they advised me to bring in my own artist or else I would need to contribute. Ok, I understand that, lots of writers pay the artist in creator owned work.
    So I bring an artist on, send them stuff, and got my hopes up. In return, they offer me a contribution based contract. They want me to pay $3000 (can) and they would get 80% off the profits. They would make 15000 before I make a single dollar. I don’t think so.
    I would call them scam artists, but I give value to the word artist.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you for your insightful, invaluable, and important information regarding Olympia Publishers. Like many other individuals, I unknowingly submitted a children’s manuscript to this highly suspect and deceptive publisher. Fortunately, I researched this company shortly following my submission and discovered an ongoing pattern of disconcerting comments specific to Olympia’s unethical, unacceptable, and potentially unlawful business operations. Additionally, I was also a recipient of their staff’s egregious actions which included an immediate submission acceptance response, no mention of whether their offer comprised a traditional publishing contract which would exclude any author expense, and an inquiry as to whether I preferred obtaining my own illustrator or utilizing one of their resources. Luckily, I was an informed consumer and cognizant of Olympia’s history of disingenuous and manipulative business practices. I highly encourage others to avoid being a victim of Olympia and instead, pursue publishing with a reputable publisher who by association speaks to the credibility of a writers work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. (Feb., 2019) Follow-Up
      I received an email from Olympia Publishing staff member Mr. Jake Molton. Mr. Molton challenged, disputed, and dismissed my concerns regarding his company’s substandard reputation and numerous negative writer reviews. Additionally, Mr. Molton asserted that Olympia intends to take legal action against the author of this site for alleged libel / defamation. I informed Mr. Molton that his company must “prove” they suffered damages (i.e., loss of revenue) as a result of this author’s site and that threatening to sue is far easier than winning a libel / defamation case. Moreover, I highly doubt Olympia has the available funds to incur the significant expense of legal action(s). As well, Mr. Molton articulated that the author of this site is disgruntled and angry due to being denied a publishing contract. I believe that Mr. Molton’s disclosure of this information (whether true or not) is in fact a violation of this individual’s privacy (and hence, a defamation of h-i-s character)! Regardless, the fact that I received such an inappropriate and unprofessional email from an Olympia employee serves as a validation of my informed decision to not engage with his company!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Mark Roberts,

    I wish I had seen your post sooner about Olympia Publishers, I am not the best writer in the world but I wanted to get one of my books published about my time working in Iraq as a Close Protection Officer. They are quick enough to take your money also sending a believable contract but what a mistake I have made.

    I have done most of the publicising myself lectures at libraries visiting book shops etc. They have done nothing to help, they even hadn’t proof checked my book properly so errors were left in. I also know my book has been ordered on Amazon but the royalty statement does not reflect this. The money I paid to publish my book left my family and myself struggling for a few months hoping that one day the book would return the payment.

    I will do whatever it takes to make sure people stay clear of Olympia Publisher and I might even visit their offices but I will make it my mission to warn others not to make the mistake I have………lesson learnt painfully.

    All the best,


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mark. First of all, thanks for writing to me! This is the most heartfelt Olympia story I’ve read so far. It’s really infuriating to hear of the lows to which this company will sink, even going so far as to rip off a veteran. All I can say is that I am glad you have joined the fight against this industry of scammers. Every person I manage to turn away from Olympia, I feel, is a small victory. Writers work extremely hard for little to no pay, sometimes for years. It’s bad enough without scam artists trying to take advantage of us!

      Thanks again,


  14. I got an email from Olympia, today. My spirits were high, but I let my common sense continue to drive my thoughts; we drove right to Google for reviews. At least Olympia was kind enough to let me know, upfront, that my writing skills merited me sending them money for ten months. As long as we practice common sense we’ll be just fine. Good luck, guys!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Guy’s! Olympia Publishing, Austin Macauley Publishing and Pegasus Publishing are definitely vanity publishers. All three companies are owned by the same Indian gentleman!!! I sent my manuscript to all three, received positive replies from all three and received only one vanity contract for me to consider. I wrote back to ask Olympia if they would consider offering me a traditional publishing contract if I were to waive ALL book sale royalties on the first 5,000 book sales and guess what?! They gracefully declined my offer! A great test and they failed dismally. Yes, a great soft scam!!


  16. Just got an email from Olympia for my comic book and I googled and reached here. I will never self-publish my work anyway but it is good to see people relating their publishing woes in today’s world. This has been an eye-opener really. Thanks for the post.


  17. Just got the same “your ms has passed our initial evaluation” flattering remark. Not too disappointed to read the blog and mostly grateful for confirming my doubts.


  18. I was researching self-publishing on Wiki and the link to Olympia came up, so I clicked and had a read. As a complete novice with big dreams a link like this is extremely enticing, but I decided to search for reviews first before I fell for it. That’s how I ended up here and having read the posts am now extremely wary, because it is so difficult to know who you can trust. I am nine parts of the way towards completing the first book in what I hope will become a trilogy – having read all the negative comments about this particular ‘soft scam publisher’, can you recommend a good one (or two)?


    1. The biggest problem with fiction today is that too many writers focus on the finish line without doing the actual work. It’s like trying out for the Olympics when you’ve just learned to do a cartwheel. And please keep in mind, I am guilty of this myself, having queried my first book at fourteen. That book, by the way, was crap, as were the four other books preceding it. Mastering the art of storytelling is like mastering any other art form. It takes a lifetime of practice and commitment, and a lot of failures before getting it right. That being said, your goals may be different from mine. You may just want to sell your book to friends and family. If that is the case, you can always go with Amazon KDP. It doesn’t cost you anything to get the book out there, just don’t expect to sell a million copies. Now I don’t know you, so if I have been too presumptuous, mea culpa, but unless you’ve been working at improving yourself for decades (and I do mean decades) unless you’ve put in your 10,000 hours, you may want to consider putting off publishing for a later date. While that may sound discouraging (it sure would have discouraged me) if you’re serious about the craft, you won’t give up. You’ll just work at getting better. Good luck!


  19. Hi Nick. Six weeks ago, I sent off a synopsis and sample manuscript to Olympia Publishing. A few days ago, I received an email to say that I have successfully got through the initial evaluation. In my manuscript were images which I used as a placement and I had not obtained copyright permission. They asked before I can be considered to go onto the next evaluation, they wanted to know if these pictures were my own. I replied ‘no’. Apart from sending off updated manuscript and receiving an acknowledgement that it’s now been filed, I’ve not heard anything since. Then whilst chatting with a friend who is a writer, I mentioned that I had an interested publisher. When she asked who it was, I mentioned Olympia Publishing. She then suggested that I look online as she heard about this company. That’s when I found your article!!. I took a closer look at the company and read about the last couple of lines on their site…a contribution. Then it hit me..Olympia Publishing is a self publishing company! Recently I had four replies from self publishing companies who were interested in publishing my book..then I was put off when I realized I had to pay for privilege! infact I had a long chat with one of these editors and when I asked what he thought about my book, his reply that he haven’t read it yet! This was my introduction to the world of self publishing companies. Back in the mid 80s, I had two textbooks published by traditional companies and hasn’t written anything until I retired in February. I had written to literary agents and traditional publishers but received rejections and not heard anything from the publishers. So I been exploring the route of self publishing my own manuscript using the technology that is available. I work on a limited budget but there are certainly companies like editing companies and self publishers companies who are exploiting the writer’s markets!


  20. Hello! Just curious if there were any new updates on Olympia 🙂 Is the consensus they are still a soft scam? I heard back from them on a submission (submitting before I read this article) and am hesitant to even engage in conversation with them. I see they do offer some “traditional contracts”, however, that may be part of the scam to entice new indi authors into conversation, then hit them with a crap “partnership agreement”. Thanks for the great article and info!


    1. Just remember two things: 1) These companies should be making money from YOUR readers and not YOU. If they are only profiting from you, they have no real incentive to market to your readers. 2) If you want to know who is legit, check out their other authors, and find out their sales ranking on Amazon.


  21. I’m in the middle of exchanging emails with Olympia about pricing for a contribution-based offer, I’ll wait and see what they have to say, but on the basis of your experience, I’m hesitant to accept their offers.


  22. Thanks so much for sharing your story Nick. I sent off my manuscript to Olympia a few weeks ago and today received the following:

    On Friday, 18 September 2020, 10:34:01 BST, Editors (Olympia Publishers) wrote:

    Dear Miss Hayward,

    I would like to thank you for your patience during this time. My colleagues and I have now very carefully looked at ‘The Girl in the Maze’.

    I received independent reports on the style, quality of writing and the suitability to genre and I am pleased to say that we find ‘The Girl in the Maze’ to be of considerable merit and believe it would appeal to the reading public.

    Although we agree the work is well written and has literary merit, commercial decisions have to be made in this fiercely competitive market. Bearing this in mind, we cannot offer a traditional contract for the work at this time. We would be able to offer a contribution-based contract, but we understand this may not be something you are interested in at this time.

    May I take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Olympia and wish you all the best for the future.

    Yours sincerely,

    James Houghton
    Commissioning Editor
    Olympia Publishers

    After an initial surge of excitement, I queried how much the contribution would be. They said £2,600. I googled their name and came across your blog – and the experiences of the other people who’ve responded. I won’t be going with their ‘offer’.

    Thanks again for taking the time to share your experiences so that we don’t make the same mistake.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cathy,

      I still find it remarkable how, after all these years, people are STILL getting scammed by Olympia. It’s also sad to note that this post is by far the most commented on my blog. Truth is, too many people want to be writers and too few want to be readers these days. If you really want to make a mark in the indie community, you’ll need to build a base of followers, and get those people to give you reviews.


  23. Hi there, I just received an email from Jake Molton today, but from Pegasus Publishers. I didn’t honestly remember submitting to them as they are in the UK and I am in the US, so looked them up and am glad, but also frustrated, to have found many comments, articles and forums mentioning his name and this sort of thing. Just wanted to give a head’s up that he may have switched business names.


    1. No matter what name they change to, it’s very easy to sniff out the scammers. All you have to do is check their author’s SALES RANK on Amazon. If they rank among the millionths, they are doing you no favors.


  24. So my daughter has been offered a hybrid contract through Olympia, they want us to pay a one off fee of $4788 AUD. She is only 15, and this is her first book. Reading all these comments has made me realise that Olympia publishers is what i feared, too good to be true! So now im worried that she has sent in the full manuscript and that they could potentially steal it. What other publishers would people suggest? She is going to be heartbroken.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. This is why these predatory companies are so vile—they break the hearts of aspiring creators like your daughter. At least you didn’t waste your money. I suggest going the selfie route and using something like Amazon KDP. Your kid won’t become rich and famous overnight, but at least you’ll have a product she can be proud of, and can give to friends and family to read.


  26. Nick – I just received an offer from Olympia and came across your blog. I would really like to know what it is they did or did not do for you. From what I can tell, they simply don’t promote the books very successfully or did they falsely advertise that it would cost you? Hybrid publishers are certainly nothing new, and they are out front about the fact that you ‘pay to play,’ so to speak. For a new author, this could be a good place to start. Would really like to understand more about whether you actually published through them and your outcomes.


    1. Hell no, I didn’t “publish” through them—why would I? They offer nothing worth the $5000 asking price. My sales rank exceeds all of their authors’ ranks and it cost me nothing. Yes, hybrid publishing is nothing new, but it has not proven to be viable for anyone interested in actually making money selling books. Hybrid publishers profit from writers, not readers.


  27. Those authors who are naive enough to believe the ‘instant success’ narrative are deluding yourselves. If you have never been published before, then, unless you strike it lucky with a traditional publishing contract with whatever publisher that might make such an offer, then, if you want to go with a publisher, a hybrid arrangement that involves shared costs might be your only choice.

    Please do not take any notice of those who say money can only flow one way. When you start out as a writer, you are going into the market place at entry level. You cannot expect overnight success, and you WILL be placed at the bottom of the sales rankings. The trick is to keep on writing, staying with your hybrid publisher, and publish more books with them. That way, you can build a personal brand around a book series, or books on different topics, but all by YOU. Success is gradual, and, like building a company, you have to keep at it. Hybrid publishers pay higher royalties, leaving you more in control of editorial and design decisions, and having a good team at the publishers to work with. Believe in yourselves, believe in the publisher, and keep at it!


    1. I agree with what you are saying, excepting the part about needing a hybrid publisher. When you start out in this business, you start at the bottom, but what does a hybrid publisher offer that you cannot do yourself? Olympia asked me to pay $5000 and I still have no idea what that money was for. None of their authors have achieved success, so if it’s a matter of ‘sticking to it’ until it pays off, where is the payoff? Yes, releasing a book to the public costs money, money for art, graphic design, layout, and editing—all of which I can pay for myself. I don’t need the hybrid publisher as a middle man and neither does any other writer I know. Real publishers distribute your book to major retailers so that your name appears on the shelf with other authors of major releases. They also help connect you with respected book reviewers. Hybrids don’t provide any of that, which is why I think the money they are asking for is tantamount to a scam.


  28. Bruh, all these years later, your post is still helping people. I just found it and you have changed my mind about approaching Olympia for my urban LGBTQIA / Transgender literary fiction novel. Thanks, man. 💯


  29. Many publishers today are like a sneaky, manipulative and insincere friend who is always smiling at you. Publishing houses, which are few in number and sincerely tell you that what you write is garbage, generally highlight lgbt and black individuals. If you look at the history of the literary world, you will see a huge rot and stink. Although things were not very encouraging in the past, we are literally experiencing a disaster today. We are in an era of success that is completely dependent on advertising and fame. Nobody is interested in the poems and fiction written by people whose names are unknown and who have not become famous in any way. We don’t even care. Even a piece of shit written by a social media phenomenon is much more valuable to today’s society than the sentences you write with your feelings. Open the world’s most famous story-sharing platform and see what kind of shit literature has turned into. You will be shocked by the attention and respect shown to books full of profanities and twisted sex stories. If Fyodor, Franz and Edgar had presented their writings for the first time to today’s publishing houses and today’s reading public, they would be told to cut the crap. If Rowling, perhaps the last chosen prophet of the literary community, revealed Harry today, none of us would be able to recognize her. While the world is in a period of complete Idiocracy, when books written with artificial intelligence are reaching a mass of buyers and readers, while stories and poems written with real emotions from life are viewed as garbage, how pathetic do we look, who are still agonizing over the thought of writing something and presenting it to people. It’s sad but it’s the truth. I think we should be angry and sorry for ourselves instead of being angry at the publishing houses. The only thing publishing houses do is try to stay afloat and act in line with the demands of today’s readers. As a social media influencer with 1 million followers, rest assured that any piece of shit you send to publishing houses will be happily printed and published for free.

    Finally, what can we do in this garbage dump? Maybe, under the leadership of dear Nick, we can establish an association called ‘Writers living in the world of dreams’ and publish our own books there by lottery or voting method and satisfy ourselves to some extent. With my love and respect to the orphaned and broken children of literature. goodbye.


    1. Hello, and thanks for sharing your thoughts! While I agree with many of your points, I think I need to clarify a few things that may or may not help you:

      1) Agreed, it’s extremely difficult for writers these days, but every generation has had to deal with similar challenges. The same biases we see today were also present in the past. Case in point, Mary Shelley wrote under a man’s name to get Frankenstein published. Seeing how many thirty-something women are being published today, I have entertained the idea of querying under a female name.

      2) Publishers will never tell you your writing is garbage, and *THAT* is the problem. If they cared about quality literature, if they told me, “Your writing needs improving,” I could work on that. What I cannot do is write trashy clickbait or whatever goes viral these days.

      3) Keep in mind a publishing house is a business. Of course, they will give you a book deal if you’re famous! Famous people sell books by name recognition alone, and if publishers don’t stay in the black, they cease to exist. I am certain many editors-in-chief are just as dismayed over the decay of literature as the rest of us, but they also need a paycheck.

      4) Shakespeare was accused of writing profanity and sex (which he was more than guilty of doing), to the point that the Christians of the time burned down his theater. Good writing has nothing to do with the subject matter and everything to do with the art of storytelling.

      5) There are still great books being published today, but they are lesser known. Have you read Cormac McCarthy? Anthony Doerr? Spend more time in the bookstore, and you’ll find them.

      6) It isn’t totally hopeless. I believe that if you truly master storytelling, you will achieve your dreams. It just takes A LOT OF HARD WORK and dedication.

      7) But it has crossed my mind to create my own publishing house, one that emphasizes books that will stand the test of time. One simple change I would make: vet submissions by education, by writers with English degrees. Of course, someone without a degree can write a great book, but it narrows the selection process to those who are more serious about the craft.

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