I Cancel Myself (Maybe): My Israeli/Transgender Views

I have thoughts. No surprise, I know, but being an oh-so-special lover of words, my thoughts tend to be stubborn things. They stick to my brain like molasses and refuse to go away. Unfortunately, we live in a time when having thoughts can be dangerous. Expressing an opinion—any opinion, really—is like strolling through a minefield. Take a wrong step, and BOOM! There goes your career.

Seriously, though, I have never been shy about my views, and I feel it is important to express them, not because I possess some special wisdom (I do not) but because only through freedom of expression can we ever hope to achieve the Star Trek utopia we all (at least most of us) are hoping to build. Society is a tapestry of voices, and we are all responsible for what we make of it. Like it or not, choosing to remain silent on matters of life, death, and suffering is to become culpable when things go wrong.

This is why, on today’s very special double-whammy podcast, I throw my hat into the ring regarding the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the transgender issue. Yes, these topics are rife with landmines, but it’s possible to make a stand (or take a walk, metaphorically speaking) without the risk of getting canceled. Even with zero to little expertise on the matter (I am just a struggling author/ex-pizza maker), I believe that, whether you are left or right-leaning, fundamental human principles exist that we can all agree upon.

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