What is Ages of Aenya?

OK, I’ve dissected enough of other people’s books on my podcast. Now it’s my turn. That’s right, folks, it’s time I get to toot my own horn. So here is your introduction to Aenya, a world blending the best of fantasy and science fiction.

The books in the Aenya Series have possessed me for over twenty years, and here, at last, I divulge all the gritty secrets about how my series got its start from a fledgling piece of fan fiction. I get into my childhood inspiration, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, my Greek heritage and love of mythology, and how my personal experiences as a nudist shaped this unique fantasy setting. It’s a darker, more mature take on He-Man and Teela, with more nudity than even HBO could handle, parts Lovecraft, parts Homer. But more than anything else, Ages of Aenya is a fresh take on the genre nobody has ever seen.

Wrapping up my latest podcast, I read the prologue to Ages of Aenya in a sound-effects-laden show reminiscent of those old, 1940s radio broadcasts, leaving the door open for you, dear listener, to further explore the world of Aenya.

Check it out!!!

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